Alaskan Adventure

The Greatest Alaska Train Tour Ever.

Book your Tour now

Double Occupancy: $8697*
Single Occupancy: $9950

*price is per person

Trip Profile

May 24-June 5, 2024

From: $8697

ALASKA (with optional CANADIAN ADD-ON)
Group Size


Edmonton or anchorage


Two-Meals per day included

Trip Highlights


Why do we call our Alaskan Adventure tour “The Greatest Alaska Train Tour Ever”? For a very simple reason.

While most train tours of Alaska will probably include a visit to Anchorage and Fairbanks, a flight over Denali Park and perhaps a dog sled ride through the Alaskan countryside, Premier Train Tours goes much further than that.

On our Alaskan Adventure, travelers will not simply enjoy every one of these experiences but much more, from a glass-domed train ride starting at the heart of the Canadian rockies, to an overnight stay at the incredible Chena Hot Springs, a boat ride out of Seward to see the glaciers and the whales, a plane ride at over 20,000 feet around the tip of mount Denali, and even a trip to one of the northernmost cities in the world: Barrow.

And it is not simply a matter of geography alone which makes Barrow a fascinating place worth a visit, but the extremely isolated nature of the town, which represents Alaska as a whole so well: no trains, no buses and no roads to get you around, a single grocery store stocked via a supply ship which only comes once a year, and only a few very expensive planes available to get to and from Anchorage.

On our journey through Barrow, you will get the chance to meet the incredible indigenous people of Barrow, who are always ready to tell visitors about their life here, including the shared experience of the community whale hunts.

Our tour spots are limited. So, don’t waste time — book your ticket now!

What's Included

*The class of train and hotels are likely final but subject to change based upon availability.

**Alcohol, travel insurance, and flights at the beginning and end of the tour are not included. 


Our journey through the Canadian Rockies portion of the tour begins in Edmonton, where we will meet late in the afternoon of May 24.

For those who arrive early, they will be able to leave their luggage with our tour leaders if they want to explore downtown Edmonton which is just a taxi ride away. There are some interesting train related places to visit such as the Alberta Railway Museum and the Edmonton Radial Railway Society.

Following everyone’s arrival, we will gather for a group dinner at the airport before our drive to the train station. Our departure is scheduled at 11:30pm, and we recommend a good night’s sleep for a fresh start in the morning, cameras in hand as we go through the spectacular Rockies.

While we cannot guarantee sightings of moose and deer, this portion of our journey will offer a full day of untamed wilderness and, historically, our travelers have always been lucky to see them here, alongside with mountain vistas and waterfalls that are sure to keep your cameras busy.

On Sunday morning, we will arrive in Vancouver, marking the next step in our adventure, as we head for the airport. Alaska here we come!

We will arrive in Vancouver early and board an antique train, before flying to Anchorage, where we will gather downtown with the entire group for a pleasant and relaxing welcome dinner.

Today our group will head South instead to Seward, where we will board a boat for a chance to discover not only the spectacular scenery of the Kenai Fjords National Park, but also hopefully catch a glimpse of the whales which dwell in the surrounding area. In the late afternoon we will board a train for dinner and a ride back to Anchorage.

On this very special day, our group will take a flight to the northernmost city of Alaska, the United States and the entire Western Hemisphere: Barrow. In fact, except for a few exceptions, Barrow is one of the northernmost cities in the entire world as well as one of the most isolated. Travelers will be able to explore and learn about the area from our Alaskan guide, who will teach us some of the history of his home town and share with us what life is like in this solitary town, without any roads or real connection with the rest of the world. In the evening, we will return to Anchorage and our hotel.

Anchorage is the bustling heart of Alaska, and we will have time to explore it, including a fantastic museum full of amazing art and a wide array of displays showcasing the fascinating Alaskan cultures.

Before then however, we will head about 30 miles north to Wasilla to see a train being completely rebuilt from scratch. We will have lunch at the train museum, where we will be able to see the train in its almost-fully restored state and chat with the workers. We will then head back to Anchorage, where we will be staying for the next three nights.

The heart of our Alaskan Adventure truly begins here, as we board the train for Talkeetna, an historically important stop, especially for those interested in trains. In fact, there is really only one train in all of Alaska, with a few minor exceptions, which goes from Seward, where we were earlier in the trip, to Fairbanks in the north where this train will eventually be taking us.

On this day, our group will be taking a majestic flightseeing tour around the mountain peak of Denali with Talkeetna Air Taxi. Soaring through the sky, our travelers will be able to get an unrivaled view of the tallest mountain in all of North America.


After the excitement of the previous day, we will board a relaxing train ride and head for the last leg of our grand Alaskan Adventure, which takes place in Fairbanks.

Fairbanks has tons of interesting things to do related to trains. Here our group will have the opportunity to ride behind a particularly old train engine before exploring some of the oldest trains in the area. Fairbanks is also home to a large museum with an extensive collection of old cars.

Before the day ends, we will take a boat ride down the river to explore the life of the early settlers of the area who came from Asia and eventually became, of course, the ancestors of all the native people who inhabited the Americas.

On our second to last day, we will make a visit to the great university of Fairbanks, mainly to get a look at the history of the state and their interesting art gallery & museum. Our group will then be able to visit the oil pipeline and learn more about its history and the problems and obstacles the builders needed to overcome during its construction.

On our last day, the group will travel one hour north to one of the most interesting places in Alaska, the Chena hot springs. Here, we will get a ride up a particularly high mountain, and even ride on a dog sled (although our summer will have wheels instead of snow).
Finally, we will visit the hot springs. Even in February, when the temperature is as low as 20, it is possible to swim outside here. Our group will have no problem in early June.

All good things come to an end. In the morning we will head for the airport, say our goodbyes and you will return home from a trip you’ll never forget.

Book your Tour now

Double Occupancy: $8697*
Single Occupancy: $9950

*price is per person

Cancellation or Changes by Premier Train Tours

We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule any departure for any reason. If we cancel, except in the case of a force majeure event, we will offer alternate arrangements.  We may at our sole discretion offer travel vouchers or refunds in accordance with the cancellation schedule above.  Participants are responsible for any additional costs for air tickets or other travel arrangements not made by us.

If between planning time and/or during actual travel, circumstances require changes, Premier Train Tours and its suppliers, reserve the right to cancel or vary any itinerary and substitute components of any tour, including but not limited to lodges and accommodations of comparable quality, if air schedule or surface transportation charges, security matters, and/or other events make such alterations necessary. Suppliers may substitute transportation equipment depending on any variety of factors, including the volume of passengers on the tour. Premier Train Tours cannot be held responsible for any closures, necessary itinerary changes, or curtails for any reason. These changes will not be considered material changes and will not be considered cause for cancellation by the participant. Normal cancellation penalties still apply to the tour that has been changed.. Please see our Terms & Conditions for more information.